Healing Revelations

About Sandy Vandenberg, Healing Practitioner


I have been practicing in bio-energy healing since 2012. Rukha Academy is the only licensed energy school in the state of Minnesota with a certification requirement of over 500 hours of course work. The courses included, among others,  bio-energy anatomy and physiology, traditional anatomy, bio-energy healing science techniques, living with consciousness, psychodrama, intuitive development, ethics, integrative nutrition, healing, death and dying, and integrative care with major diseases.

My education in Rukha Academy of Healing Sciences was critical in my own transformation process. The academy required that I also do the work myself that I practice with my own clients. It was through my education at the Rukha Academy that I learned who I was!

At Rukha, we take each student through the journey of self-discovery, compassionately guiding them back to the beauty of the true self.  We help our students to know the truth; that I am the I Am before I was wounded.  In this way, each graduate walks their own path so they can appreciate the path they will later ask their clients to traverse. (Rukha Academy newsletter@rukhaacademy.com 2/23/14).

I learned about my own limiting beliefs and my judgments about self and toward others. I learned to respond rather than react. I became aware of my childhood wounding and how these all manifested and affected my life. I learned how to process through repressed emotions, feel them, and finally be able to release them. All of these previous issues influenced my emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well being.

Through becoming more balanced in these areas I became a more compassionate person toward myself and others. I began to love myself and have more trust in the world. I became a more confident person and was able to speak and live my truth. I experienced peace and inner well being. Through the process work and use of energy healing work, I became a more whole, balanced and healthier person.

I know the process of struggle and the joy of transformation! My job is now to support you in your unique healing journey with non-judgment, discretion, competence, integrity and compassion. My practice is based on a strong spiritual foundation and I welcome clients of all faiths based in love.

Healing Revelations Contact Information

Sandy Vandenberg  651.367.4655
